情人 – Lover
Ça ira. Ça ira. Ça ira.
100 days my love. Mon coeur souffre pour toi!
I have to go on with life, my love. Time waits for no one. It marches on.
You were so brilliant!
Always, 一生所愛 !
I will see you again in time, to hold your hand, to be by my side, in another life, my love.
Les étoiles et la lune brillent, encore un câlin, encore un sourire, encore un bisous, et un autre. Au revoir mon amour. Bonne nuit et beaux reves mon amour. <3 A demain!
All I can do now is look up to the stars… I hate it!
我不想留底 你的心空虛
我的心如水 你不必癡醉
哦 你可知誰甘心歸去
是緣是情是童真 還是意外
有淚有罪有付出 還有忍耐
是人是牆是寒冬 藏在眼內
有日有夜有幻想 沒法等待
每一天望海 每一天相對
我即使離開 你的天空裡
哦 你可知誰甘心歸去
是緣是情是童真 還是意外
有淚有罪有付出 還有忍耐
是人是牆是寒冬 藏在眼內
有日有夜有幻想 沒法等待
多少春秋風雨改 多少崎嶇不變愛
是緣是情是童真 還是意外
有淚有罪有付出 還有忍耐
是人是牆是寒冬 藏在眼內
有日有夜有幻想 沒法等待
Hoping that you won’t shed a tear at a corner.
I don’t intend to leave your heart with emptiness.
Wishing you won’t throw the burden guilt on my shoulder.
My heart is still as water, you need not be passionate.
Don’t you know who dare to return.
Does anyone between you and me?
It is fate, it is love, it is naivete, or just an accident.
With tear, with guilt, with devotion plus toleration.
A one, a wall, a winter, all hidden behind the eyes.
Have days, have nights, have dreams but wait no longer.
Longing for our reunion in that far distance.
With the sea, with you, we spend days together.
Hoping you fear no more for my departure.
Even I’m not standing under your piece of sky.
Don’t you know who dare to return.
Does anyone between you and me?
It is fate, it is love, it is naivete, or just an accident.
With tear, with guilt, with devotion plus toleration.
A one, a wall, a winter, all hidden behind the eyes.
Have days, have nights, have dreams but wait no longer.
How many seasons, how many storms has passed.
How many hardships have gone through without altering the love.
How may sorrows you have suffered among the crowd.
It is fate, it is love, it is naivete, or just an accident.
With tear, with guilt, with devotion plus toleration.
A one, a wall, a winter, all hidden behind the eyes.
Have days, have nights, have dreams but wait no longer.