Track Limits

Photo Credit: Internet

Track limits are track limits – it is what it is.

Only the marked race track surface and any curbing may be used by drivers during any track session

For the conduct of all competitions (qualifying or race), the racing surface
shall be defined as only the marked, paved race track and it’s curbing.
Pit lanes, their entries and exits; grass verges; and so on, are expressly
excluded from the racing surface.

Drivers must make every reasonable effort to use the track at all times and may not deliberately leave the track without a justifiable reason.

Drivers will be judged to have left the track if no part of the car remains in contact with it and, for the avoidance of doubt, any white lines defining the track edges are considered to be part of the track but the kerbs are not.

Should a car leave the track the driver may re-join, however, this may only be done when it is safe to do so and without gaining any lasting advantage. At the absolute discretion of the race director a driver may be given the opportunity to give back the whole of any advantage he gained by leaving the track.

The rules are very clear as to when a vehicle is deemed not on track. There are exception to the penalty like all rules. However, the fact is when you are off track you are off track. It is very black and white.

So, the funny part of this controversy is that this happens on the club racing level too. How often? The last race of the season the stewards gave a final warning that they would be asking all marshals to specifically watch for vehicles utilizing more than track limits. Of-course this brought on a discussion from newly appointed violin players – over 8 minutes.

It becomes polarizing because in many instances it is a judgement call. Did the race car gain an advantage, is the race car always leaving track limits to gain an advantage, was it one wheel, two wheels, did the wheel just touch the line,  did the race car get forced out, did the race car lose a position or more as a result, did the marshal’s or steward’s miss the incident, is there bias in the judgement … All fair remarks.

The funnest comment that came out;  “if the rules are going to be that heavily enforced then maybe it will discourage people from racing” ; yes, stupid.

The real stupid comment that came out; “sometime that is the fastest for the car” . Well, that’s called not being compliant – aka cheating and if you get called on it – suck it up.

I came to race and if I wanted violin lessons I would have taken that up instead. I understand the rule is not perfect when it comes to judgement calls. The best position in my view is to ask for transparency and growth in the procedure. I draw the line when it’s just bitching and in this case over eight minutes.


I forgot not everyone may appreciate what I am saying in regards to the circuit motor-sport rule. They say pictures can convey more than words.

To my autocross friends that would be the cone rule:

Credit: Reddit – lectrin


And to my rally friends well, track limits hurt when they involve tree and cliffs.

Update 10/27/2017:

Awesome and pretty cheeky! (below is the image if the tweet gets removed)


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