FreeNAS – Plex Setup
Setting up Plex is pretty simple.
Plex is an available plugin so the install is pretty easy.
The forum was much easier to understand why and where things are install FreeNas Plex Setup. All and all – easy 🙂
This concept is relatively new to me; I’ve just not had the need to use FreeBSD.
After installing plex you will need to update it
'jls' - take the note of the # 'jexec # csh' (where # is the number of the jail) 'fetch -o' 'chmod 755'
Then execute the script: Public './' or Subscription './ -u PlexPass_User -p PlexPass_password' * update: There have been some changes to the script so run the verbose command and see what is going on. './ -v -a'
Changes created after in the Jail such as network ip or storage location seems to not be reflected from the web ui.
Command line restart command also do not produce the desired effect.
service jail <start/stop> <Jail_Name> or warden <start/stop> <Jail_Name> service <name> <start/stop>
I even tried restarting the web ui:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx restart
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/django restart
/etc/rc.d/lighttpd restart
So, I am a little loss in this area for now. Rebooting works, but that’s not desirable.