TLC: E-Brakes
I forgot to take a picture of the dealer blow up of all the parts that you will need.
I spent $167 US for parts. Replaced every part that is part of the crank bell assembly and fork except for 2 springs (in total) that hold the drum shoe.
Rear E brake – Fork + the rear bell crank cover
This would be the rear speed sensor (covered boot). Since I was there I cleaned and lubricated the connector)
o Rusted(left) and broken — Explains a lot as to why the ebrake didn’t engage on either sides
o New Bell Crank(right) + assembly
What the rear drum shoes look like
The Drum adjuster
What a pain in the arse to adjust blindly through a tiny little hole through the rotor.
The key is to adjust so that it just fit over the rotor hub and then after fish through the adjuster hole with a long screw driver and get it to the point where there is a slight drag. After that I had to add another 1/4 turn –> this will vary from TLC.
Speed sensor:
Your looking for the round white thing
This part holds the shoe on the right side – difficult to put back with a spring in the center which is why the picture is taken
All and all took about 4 hrs to do since I had difficulty in cutting the bell crank off and then didn’t figure out how to slip the the rear brake drum back on (since I cut off the “arm” that I was replacing I didn’t notice I had to pull a sleeve off to slip it on).
You can kind of see that arm that is rusted and why I just cut it off.
As you can tell I forgot to take pictures along the way. Just imagine lots of new parts covered in cooper anti seize. No way I want to do this again.
Any parts I did reuse have been cleaned, rust removed and, then repainted black
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