The original one that came with the car died and then with the Optima Yellow group 51R died as well.
The optima battery, well that was heart breaking and optima made us jump through hoops to get a refund.
I started to look at Sealed Lead Acid battery (Gel type)
o Extremely-low internal resistance
o Fast current flow
o Easy starting
o Vibration proof
o Maintenance free
o Will not develop a memory
o Dry cell, so no liquid or gel (no acid to leak out)
o Corrosion resistant terminals
o Recharges quickly
o Long discharge life cycle
Problems with SLA – heat is a killer. as the battery warms up the water content can leave the battery.
Since the numbers get fudge often from manufacturers (since some of the ratings they do not show what temperature) Amp hours seem to a bit consistent:
11.5lb Braille B14115/Deka ETX14: 15.1 Amp hours
15lb Tempest: 36 Amp hours
15lb Braille B2015/Deka ETX20: 21 Amp hours
15lb Odyssey PC680: 15.4 Amp hours
21lb Braille B3121/Deka ETX30L: 31 Amp hours
26lb Odyssey PC925: 26 Amp hours
38.2lb Odyssey PC1200: 39.5 Amp hours
The battery I went with in the end is Deka ETX20. Funny thing is that the specifications are exactly like Braille.
Cost $120 from East Penn (Manufacturer for Deka) in Calgary.
The new battery compared to the old battery.
By the numbers:
- Power Connection Battery: 24.4 lbs
- Braille B2015 = 15lb = 425 Cold Cranking Amps @ 0 degF
- Deka ETX14 = 12lb = 200 CCA @ 0 degF
- Deka ETX20 = 15.5lb = 270 CCA @ 0 deg F
A shout out goes to Neal H – Thank you for the terminal ends. I couldn’t find any stores that carried this item stock (M6 terminal ends seem to be a special item). The local battery shop would run a special order @ $30for a $6 part 🙁
Matt H might have time to make me a spare set which would be awesome!